How to decentralize your FB advertising assets to make sure your business is safe from the next ban-hammer. (many advertisers make this 1 massive mistake)
How to create 100% policy compliant funnels in “riskier”
How to get around account spending limits for new accounts
The optimal account warm-up method to minimize your chances of a new account going down
Ad policy cheat sheet; the cardinal mistakes you should never make when running ads
The Secret of 7 Figure
Whether it’s e-commerce, affiliate, search arbitrage, coaching or any other type of niche. This is THE ONE KEY difference which sets apart the big spenders from the small fish.
The big spenders know how to minimize their risk and NOT BE AT THE MERCY of the advertising platforms, the small fish get wiped out.
Here’s What To Expect
The eBook will give you the exact tested and proven strategies
based on more than $15,000,000 of adspend.
The modules cover these exact topics:
How to decentralize your FB advertising assets to make sure your business is safe from the next ban-hammer. (many advertisers make this 1 massive mistake).
How to create 100% policy compliant funnels in “riskier” niches.
How to get around account spending limits for new accounts.
The optimal account warm-up method to minimize your chances of a new account going down.
Ad policy cheat sheet; the cardinal mistakes you should
never make when running ads.