Turned Yellow Case Study – Google & Facebook Ads

How we 5X the revenue for Turned Yellow using FB & Google Ads

Turned Yellow

turned yellow logo


Growth in revenue
+ 0 %
generated in sales
$ 0

The Challenge

Turned Yellow, an American custom caricature brand, grappled with the challenges of operating in a highly competitive and saturated market. The relentless price wars in the industry had led to stagnation and minimal growth.

Each attempt to scale their operations resulted in significant profitability setbacks. The absence of a clear strategic framework and a creative strategy added to their challenges.

Our Approach & Strategy

Upon assuming control of the account, our first task was to identify the bottlenecks hindering growth.

We discovered that their creatives were both overused and outdated, lacking a strategic approach to funnel and testing strategies. In the realm of Google Ads, some keywords were inefficiently consuming their budget.

Leveraging our intensive market research process, we implemented a systematic approach to creative testing, complemented by our unique 3 Point Scaling System.

This approach was continuously refined through testing, iteration, and funnel enhancements, all while scaling the account.

The outcomes were nothing short of remarkable, achieving a 500% revenue growth in just three months.


Google ad case infographic


Revenue Growth: 500%

The success story of Turned Yellow reflects the transformative power of our strategic approach.

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