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Cable Pro – Facebook Ads


Cable Pro Case Study – Facebook Ads

How we increased the profits of Cable Pro by 31% in 4 weeks using our unique AI driven WMD Creatives Strategy

Cable Pro


Increase in profit
+ 0 %

The Challenge

Cable Pro, an American e-commerce brand specializing in home workout equipment, grappled with a crucial challenge. Despite their efforts to boost sales, they found it challenging to do so without compromising profitability.

Their prior agency had worked on their store for a full year without delivering any significant results. Frustrated by the lack of progress, the client decided to turn to Eri for a solution.

Our Approach & Strategy

Full Creatives Analysis and Overhaul

Full Creatives Analysis and Overhaul

Upon taking control of the store, our initial step was to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the creative performance over the past year. This examination revealed that while some creatives had shown promise, none emerged as clear winners capable of facilitating scaling without compromising profitability.

We delved deep into audience retention breakdowns and established a starting point for our creative strategy. Leveraging our unique AI-driven creative process, we combined it with our extensive expertise to swiftly and efficiently identify the most impactful creative styles for testing.

We underwent two rounds of testing, leading us to discover remarkably high-performing creatives, far surpassing anything previously witnessed on the account. Building upon the success of these creatives, we continued to generate more winning variations while progressively increasing the budget.


The outcome was a substantial achievement, marked by increased spend and an impressive 131% growth in return on ad spend (ROAS) within a mere four weeks.

These remarkable results reflect the power of our unique AI-driven creative strategy and the impact it can have on profitability and growth.

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