1. Problem

How we generated an 11% of extra revenue with no adspend within 8 weeks for a top Australian engineering company.

Australian e-commerce brand specialising in the outdoors niche.


+ 11 %

extra in revenue

$ 35,165

generated in sales

  1. Challenge

The Challenge

If you’re like most e-commerce owners you’re faced with a similar problem. CPM’s keep rising and advertising on Facebook keeps getting more expensive.

Thousands of e-commerce stores have gone out of business in the past 12 months due to not being able to make a profit.

Are you wondering how you can make your store grow by as much as 10 percent in just 8 weeks without spending a single penny on Ads?

Here’s how…

Keep reading.

  1. The Truth

The Truth

Here’s the cold hard truth. The marketing world had evolved. Customer-data driven marketing along with relationship building is key.

50 years ago, companies would send the same piece of promotional material to everybody on their list, no matter if the recipient was engaged with the brand and likely to buy..or not.

The result?

A lot of spam mail that nobody ever opened. (And a lot of trees killed unnecessarily)

Companies now are still following this strategy, and it’s hurting their business immensely.

Here’s why

When you consistently send emails to people that are not opening them, the email service providers start devaluing your domain, and eventually all of your emails start going to your recipients “spam” folder.

How are you supposed to connect and establish a relationship with your customers if they don’t even see your emails?

The key word is Relevance

Massive bulk emails out are dead. Personalised and relevant marketing is how you take your business to the next level.

When we first started working with Joolca, they were making a profit on the front end using Facebook & Google Ads..but something was lacking.

They were leaving A LOT of money on the table.

When you have a significant amount of traffic and sales, but you don’t have the right automated email flows in place to a) increase your leads and b)nurture leads and convert them into customers and c) convert customers into repeat customers…it’s the equivalent of taking your hard earned cash, putting it in a bag..and lighting it on fire.

  1. Results


(September 2018)

This is the situation in the month before we started working together.

The revenue from automated email flows was less than 1% of the total store revenue, just $1012.


(November 2018)

After 8 weeks the revenue from automated email flows we implemented was 11% of total store revenue, or $36,177 exactly.

That’s a difference of more than $35,000.

So how is this possible?


  1. Approach & Strategy

So how is this possible?

We understood the customer journey and how to lead people through it using email as a supplement to Facebook Ads.

Before and after

Before and after a customer buys your product. He/she passes through different stages.

What most businesses do, is they treat all prospects as if they are in the “Decision” stage. They try to SELL, SELL, SELL to prospects that are just not at that stage yet.

An analogy with human relationships

In a nutshell, the traditional dating pattern for the past few decades goes like this:

1) John meets Stacy

2) After John and Stacy chit chat for a bit, they decide they would like to see each other again, they exchange contact information.

3) John and Stacy go on their first date.

4) After deciding they want to spend more time together, John and Stacy go on a few more dates.

5) John and Stacy become boyfriend and girlfriend.

6) After some time of being in a relationship, John asks Stacy if she would like to get married, and she says YES

Now think…

What would have Stacy said if John had asked her to marry him within 2 minutes of meeting her?

If you’re thinking “NO” and possibly, “What a weirdo!”, you’re right.

Would you ask someone you don’t know to marry you? No right? So why would you ask someone to invest thousands of dollars on your product or service if they don’t even know you?

They don’t know you, they don’t trust you, they are not convinced you can solve their problem.

So what does this mean?

Your marketing has to adapt. Here’s how.

(Of course, the customer journey looks different depending on the product. A 2 dollar product is much different than a $50 or a $200 product. However, the same principles still apply.)

The product of our client was priced at $300-$400.

Why does that matter?

Because even though some people would come to the site and buy right away. Most people won’t.

Most people that visited the site were interested, but …

they were not quite interested enough to buy NOW.

In order to maximize the profitability of your store, it’s very important how you treat those visitors.

We generated as many leads as possible from those visitors using an exit-intent popup and a welcome flow that we set up in Klavyio.

You’ll find good welcome flow software from Optin Monster or Optimonk.

So, how do we define a lead?

A lead is simply a visitor that gives us permission to contact them by leaving us their email address.

This is very powerful because even though they leave the site, we’re able to bring them back and close the sale.

The result of this exit intent popup and welcome flow was that we started converting a much larger percentage of visitors into paying customers.

Pretty cool, huh?

There are many more lessons we can teach you, however the key takeaway that you should start implementing in your email marketing strategy for your online store right away is this:

Relevance + Relationship Building = $$$

You need to guide your customers into becoming your customers, you need to nurture them, and you need to stop sending them irrelevant emails that they don’t care about. If you take just these tips to heart, your email marketing strategy will be better than 95% of other online stores.

If you’re wondering what more you can do and how you can maximize your profit to dominate your industry, apply to work with us.